Notification of East Midland Gundog Club's Annual General Meeting


Dear Members,

It's that time of year again! We hereby give notice of the Annual General Meeting 2023.

Date: Monday 10th July 2023
Time: 7.30pm
Location: Manor Farm, Shangton, Leicestershire, LE8 0PG

  • To receive the management committee's reports and accounts
  • To elect officers and members of the management committee
Please send any items for the Agenda or nominations for committee members by email to by 26th June 2023.

Notices of resignation have been received from:

  • General Club Secretary – Lesley Cooper-Shaw
  • Spaniel Working Test Secretary – Rachel Hawley
  • Treasurer – Fiona Sims
  • Chair Person – Vacant

Nominations for the committee must have a proposer and seconder, and the consent of the nominee.

If you intend to come to the AGM could you please inform the Acting Club Secretary: by Monday 3rd July.

If you have any queries, you are invited to contact the Acting Club Secretary, Suzie Hefford, by telephone: 07805 122861.

We look forward to welcoming you to this year's AGM.

Suzie Hefford
East Midland Gundog Club Acting Club Secretary

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